Promoting Biodiversity Through Expert Management 

In an era of paramount environmental conservation, habitat creation stands out as a vital component in preserving biodiversity. Effective habitat creation involves crafting environments that support a wide range of wildlife, ensuring ecological balance and sustainability.  

Ecology Solutions’ services in wildlife pond creation, planting, translocation, and hibernacula construction are designed to meet these needs efficiently and sustainably. 

Wildlife Pond Creation & Management 

One of our core services is creating and managing wildlife ponds. With extensive experience in biodiversity pond projects, we understand the ecological sensitivities and seasonal constraints that can impact these initiatives. Our mitigation and management team is well-versed in the Great Crested Newt licensing process, ensuring compliance and ecological safety. We offer practical, cost-effective solutions for habitat creation, utilising synthetic liners and existing soils to suit various environmental conditions. Our expertise extends to pond restoration and management, employing specialist machinery to maintain and enhance these vital ecosystems. 

Planting, Turfing and Seeding 

Our habitat creation services are not limited to aquatic environments. We also specialise in creating diverse terrestrial habitats, including woodlands, shrublands, hedgerows, meadow grasslands, and amenity landscapes. We provide a variety of wildflower and amenity turf, seed mixes, and plug plants tailored to your specific needs. Additionally, our bespoke aftercare packages ensure these habitats' successful establishment and sustainability, promoting long-term ecological health and diversity. 

Plant and Tree Translocation 

Translocating plants and trees is a delicate process that requires expertise and precision. Our team has significant experience relocating existing and mature stock, including hedgerows and specimen trees. When areas of ecological importance need to be moved, we use specialist machinery and attachments to ensure that wildflower turf and plant species are translocated correctly and with minimal disturbance. This careful handling preserves the integrity and viability of the relocated plants, supporting continued growth and habitat stability. 

Hibernacula Creation 

Hibernacula and refugia are essential for the survival of many wildlife species, providing safe places for hibernation and shelter. Our extensive experience in creating hibernacula in accordance with Natural England specifications ensures that these structures are both practical and environmentally sound. We often utilise existing stockpiles of suitable construction materials, making resourceful use of available materials and minimising environmental impact. 

Why Choose Ecology Solutions for Habitat Creation? 

Effective habitat creation is critical for fostering biodiversity and ensuring the sustainability of ecosystems. Our comprehensive range of services, from wildlife pond creation and management to planting, translocation, and hibernacula construction, are designed to meet these needs with expertise and care. By focusing on ecological sensitivities and providing practical, cost-effective solutions, we contribute to creating and maintaining diverse, thriving habitats. 

Get in touch   

Please get in touch with us for more information on how we can assist with your habitat creation projects. Let us work together to promote biodiversity and create sustainable environments for future generations.