Our feasibility and options appraisals help ensure your early project planning is efficient and robust, maximising your project’s success.

Identify Project Challenges Early

Ecology Solutions Landscape Planning and Design's feasibility studies provide a comprehensive approach to early landscape planning, ensuring a methodical and considered appraisal of your project site.

We provide Opportunity and Constraints mapping (due diligence) for potential interventions, including 3D site modelling from the start.

Identify and Protect Sensitive Areas

By taking a proactive approach, Ecology Solutions helps you identify sensitive features within your  site.

We consider the broad impacts of both Landscape and Visual perspectives and working jointly with our Ecology colleagues provide a truly collaborative approach to this critical project milestone.

Effective Landscape Mitigation Measures

Our early involvement allows us to identify and advise on potential landscape mitigation measures that may be required to assist the integration of a proposed development, supporting the site feasibility and optioneering appraisals with regard to associated costs and timescales.

These mitigation strategies help minimise potential landscape, visual and environmental  impacts and ensure your development is both sensitive and complimentary to its setting. 

Comprehensive Landscape, Visual and Ecological Health Check

Our Landscape and Ecology teams also provide more tailored site appraisals to support site selection. We can offer thorough landscape and visual health checks, providing objective advice on potential site issues, supported by Preliminary Ecological Appraisals.

These assessments typically include initial desktop appraisals covering landscape and statutory designations, topography, vegetation and woodland cover, ecological features, identifying challenges and opportunities pertinent to each site.

With our expertise and shared knowledge of broad environmental considerations, you can make informed decisions at early project stages, reducing the risk of unforeseen problems later in the project.

Collaborative, Landscape-Led Design Development

At Ecology Solutions, we value your vision and aspirations and will work with you to develop a project brief. We understand the importance of early engagement and often challenge pre-conceived ideas of the right outcome.

We offer our expertise and professional opinion to achieve a fully considered landscape-led scheme. We consider this to be an open, collaborative approach to design.

Why Choose Our Site Feasibility and Options Appraisals?

Early involvement with Ecology Solutions offers multiple benefits:

  • Identifying and protecting sensitive features.
  • Advising on effective mitigation measures.
  • Conducting comprehensive health checks.
  • Fostering collaborative, landscape-led design.


Our team is dedicated to integrating your project thoughtfully into its natural surroundings, creating sustainable landscapes that endure.

Contact Us Today
Discover how our landscape feasibility studies can support your next project. Reach out to Ecology Solutions today to learn more.

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