Ecology Solutions is experienced in the creation, re-creation, and restoration of a wide range of habitats. We work closely with our clients to develop an effective habitat management strategy to enhance the biodiversity of development sites and mitigate the impact on protected species.

Habitat Management

Effective habitat management is an essential element of any development site. This may include creating or restoring habitats by establishing new hedgerows, ponds, or wooded areas or, in the case of habitat loss due to development, translocating plants or soil from the original habitat to a new area of the site.

Certain development sites may be in poor ecological condition; in this case, our specialist ecologists would draw up and implement an ongoing management strategy to improve biodiversity, such as introducing grazing or mowing into grassland or thinning out tree canopies to introduce light to the woodland floor.

Our Habitat Creation and Restoration Approach

To enable our clients to achieve their development objectives efficiently in compliance with regulations, our policy-driven habitat restoration and creation plans provide clear and detailed mitigation and enhancement strategies for species such as bats, Badgers, and Great Crested Newts, as well as broader habitat enhancement measures to maximise general biodiversity.

We assess the needs of each development on a project-by-project basis, working closely with the client, site managers, and other landscaping specialists to propose and implement solutions that benefit the ecological features of the site. Our constant focus on ensuring full compliance with planning and legal requirements reassures you that our strategies for habitat enhancement and species protection are not only effective but also legally sound.

Our Habitat Expertise

Our Habitat Expertise our team's expertise spans a wide range of habitats, including grasslands, wetlands, woodlands, and urban environments. We employ various techniques to restore and enhance these habitats, such as rewilding, controlled burns, invasive species management, and the creation of wildlife corridors. These methods help create a balanced ecosystem, promoting the proliferation of native species and providing essential resources for wildlife. You can trust our experienced team to deliver high-quality services that meet your specific needs and help create a harmonious relationship between development and nature.

In addition to our habitat management services, we offer environmental impact assessments, ecological consultancy, and biodiversity offsetting solutions. Our team of experienced ecologists is dedicated to delivering high-quality services that meet the specific needs of each client, helping to create a harmonious relationship between development and nature.

Why Choose Ecology Solutions for Habitat Management?

At Ecology Solutions, we understand the importance of sustainable development and the need to balance economic growth with environmental conservation. Our habitat management strategies are designed to be effective and sustainable, ensuring long-term benefits for biodiversity and the surrounding community. We also provide ongoing monitoring and maintenance services to ensure that the restored habitats continue to thrive and support diverse wildlife populations.

By choosing Ecology Solutions, clients can be confident that their development projects will meet regulatory requirements and contribute positively to the environment. Our commitment to excellence in habitat management ensures we deliver results that enhance biodiversity, protect vulnerable species, and create sustainable ecosystems for future generations.

Contact Ecology Solutions to discuss how our team can support your habitat creation, re-creation and restoration goals.

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